Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Wow skmiller....... I'm not sure they read these comments, but if they read that then that's awesome.

Finally - my computer lets me view this pic, after denying me access all week. Whatcha lookin at, Johnny? You look busy at work with your paper and pen.....I'll leave you to it then....

WOO HOO slide in on the radio......doing the happy dance!!!!!

looks kind of like he's on youtube.com...lol...i luv youtube...but I LOVE JOHN MORE!!!!!!!

You know in life there are some things you wish you could un-see? Well, that's boobie-kong for me. Ai yi yi.

cagediva....I hear ya......but for some very sick and twisted, and FUN reason....we just could not stay away from it!!!! LMAO

Yeah, picture wise- THIS ONE IS SO VERY NICE ON THE EYES!! unlike boobie kong's picture, but the days of Boobie kong were so fun! It's basically where I met all my goo sisters!! We all have to plan a concert get together one day. (WISH it were NYE at HOB!!) You lucky girls who are going to that show!! Make sure you throw kisses to the guys from me!

Hey gooangela I think skmiller beat out your longest blog. Props to you skmiller. Hey jmt928 how's it goin'? Yeah the mad Boobie-Kong blogging was awesome. We should probably go see a GGD shoe in like Tennessee or somethin' it's relatively in the middle. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing Nashville, not a country fan but still it'd be fun. Later ladies and much love!

Hey gooangela, I got our tickets. Bluedust and I will see you there. Congrats. Where did you get your tickets?

I am comment #160... Sorry I just had to do that... :)

Yeah cagediva, for some reason none of us could stay away from Boobie-Kong! It's the sickest and most random picture the guys have ever put on here, but we were all addicted to it!!!!!! I know jmt928! I was already pretty close with Missy, BlueDust, and 2394, but the Boobie-Kong picture just made me get soooooooo much closer to all of you! I'm so glad that we did that! I seriously printed out a picture of BK and hung it on my wall with a little sign under it that says "Boobie-Kong"! Yeah, I'm weird! Oh and Missy, it DOESN'T give me nightmares!!! You know, I was thinking the other night about how cool it is that we can all ask each other if we remember certain things! Like the other night when Missy asked BlueDust if she remembered how she reacted when she found out how old Missy and I are....... that was priceless, but it's cool that we can do stuff like that. Are ya with me or did I just totally lose you guys on that??????
Anyway, I have to get going because it's 10:21 and I was supposed to be in bed 21 minutes ago..... hehe, yes I have a bed time!!! I LOVE YOU LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow and I'll talk to all of you when I get home!

gooangela I couldn't agree with you more. There's so much love in this place it's crazy sometimes. Yeah they got rid of my bed time this year. YES! Sorry about yours though. Well goodnight since you're leaving, as for me the house is empty so I'm going to dance to Ok Go right now and get some exercise in. (: Good night and happy dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok well those few drinks i had with my friends turned into alot of drinks i have never felt this sick in my life! i spent most of last night holding my friends hair back while she was throwing up in the toilet it was so gross but it was a good little party...note to self never ever getting drunk again..well never getting drunk for the next week or so. dearest goo sisters, it would be a pleasure to go kidnapping with you guys i sense a party..woot!!! lol i agree with the boobie kong topic thats how i got to know you guys as well! i would be lost without someone to chat about the goo guys! u know what im so buying u guys presents when we all meet .. hahaha i'll buy u some vegemite! yum its the best stuff! but for some reason ppl that don't come from australia don't like it very much ?? but its real good i'll buy u guys some k i used to have a bedtime but im a sufferer of sleeplessness like many of us here .. but i choose not to sleep coz im always on here blogging with u lovely specimens instead of doing homework and sleeping but i think thats most of our cases hehehe well goo is worth it :D im gonna marry mike coz no1's dibsed him yet and hes just as sexy so na na nana i got mike! hehehe omg reading back on that i sound like the biggest drunken loser im telling u now guys i don't drink at all really only on special occassions its ok im not into all that rebel stuff lol im sorry i just thort i'd say soemthing i didn't want u guys to get the wrong impression. im so tired you know ur tired when u keep rambling on and tlaking nonsense lol well i think i better just shut up now g'night girlies have a great day tomorrow love yas emmensly love your aussie mate anna :) xoxoxo

Wow Anna, that was the most interesting comment I think I've ever read! I love how you call us "specimens"!!! That's so great of you that you held your friend's hair back while she was being sick. I know it's probably gross, but that's what friends do for each other. GOOD JOB! *thumbs up* About the vegemite...... I'm sure I'll like it. It would be foreign to me and I love most foreign food. About your comment being so random and "filled with nonsense"...... we don't care! Have you ever seen some of MY comments?????? LOL!
Anyway, Missy! I know, there is soooooooo much love sometimes that it's almost scary! But isn't it cool that we all have somewhere to go where we don't judge each other and we're always there for one another?? I think it's soooo awesome! We're always supporting each other, too. Like 2394's inability to sleep, BlueDust's troubles at work, mine and yours school issues and homework, girlintx's mom, and just so much more! It's too awesome!
Oh, Anna you mentioned something about how a lot of us ladies in here don't sleep very much and I got to thinking about how that's very true. I wonder why??? I've just recently started sleeping regularly, but so many of us don't.......hmm........ alright, well I'm off to the shower. I hope I'm not late to the train now. I was supposed to start getting ready 20 minutes ago! See how much I love you guys?!?!?

hahahaha angela your awesome you guys all are awesome .. i think it has something to do with this website you know how after a while if you keep going to bed late your body sort of trains itself to stay awake till then coz its used to it but then when u try and get to sleep early your body is like "no way im still wide awake!!!!" and so naturally u come back on this website lol damn website!!!!!!! ....how could i stay mad at you... i reall can't wait for the next Q&A i stil think its so cool urs got answered missy what were u like when you saw it? lol i always talk nonesense when im tired i just go on and on and on but its real cool u guys don't care thankyou :D yeah i thought specimens was a cool word at the time and we are damn fine specimens if i don;t say so myself :) hehehe well have a grrrrrreat! day everyone i shall think of you scurrying around during the day time while i sleep .. wait that sounds creepy ..it wasn't meant creepy lol rock on goo buddies xoxoxoxoxoxoxo hey blue dust i havn't talked to you in ages or indymom or girlintx or only4her omg i havn't talked to hardly any of u latley how rude of me shouts and hugs to ALL OF YOU! :D cya

Vegemite! *pulls face*
Isn't that stuff terribly salty?

Wow! Anna you're so totally crazy in the best endearing way. (: And Angela having all of you here is like a nice break from whatever's going on here and it is nice that we can just talk to each other without being self concious. Anyways anna that is pretty cool for you to hold up your friend's hair for her. As for me I don't drink and never will, my family is quite fond of it though so don't worry I'd never think of you as a drunken loser. I hope you're feeling better though. Crap! I gotta start my hmwk, I'll talk to you all later! Mucho amor para tus! (I think that's right)

Hey, Anna, vegemite... I'd give it a try! The first time I heard about vegemite was in that song by Men At Work. What was it called??? Oh, wasn't it Down Under? Yep, I think it was. What the heck happened to them?
I was a totally 80's gal, ya know. Let's see.. back then I listened to The Clash, Joan Jett, John "Cougar" Mellencamp, The Police, Journey, Bon Jovi, and Bruce Springsteen, Oh, this list is freakin' endless. Funny how all these years pass and now all I listen to is the Goo Goo Dolls:) (and I admit I still listen to The Boss- my 1st love- that's Springsteen) Man, Bruce is already 57! Where did all the years go?
At least the GGD's look ageless! They all look amazingly hot and I don't care how many years go by, they will always be awesome!!
So, Anna, sorry to totally get off track.. I have a bad habit of doing that. Sounds like you have lots of fun down under! Cool! What's the time difference between Australia and say the East coast? I know I could easily find that info out on my own, but I'm too lazy and it's easier just to ask. Haven't been to Australia yet, but it's on the top of my list!
Oh, geez, it's almost 8pm here... Lost premieres today and I CAN'T miss it!
Later all!!!

lol yes one of my friends friend from america tasted vegemite and she said it was very salty but i don't notice it? prbably coz i've been eating it my whole life ..im not too fond of the drinking either really but its the holidays and i thort we could crack some open and have a little party where i live theres like no parties at all thats why i party in my dreams because im party deprived!!! lol but i don't like those parties where all u do is go to get stoned and with some guy i like the ones where all you do is dance and dance and dance im the most reetarded dancer lol but i love it its so fun we'll have to go dancing one day! anyways lol jmt928 your awesome i am an eighties chik as well i have so many albums containing best of the eighties mixes and have you heard of the albums edge of the eighties? well there so fricken cool i got them too the eighties rocked i would give anything to be this age then :)ok well i shall buy u all vegemite to try one day...wheres the east coast? i know im a whole day ahead of i think missy or angela i can't remember but when u guys are asleep or eating dinner im at skool or on here blogging u lol so im not sure what the time difference is? right now its like 11:30 am on a thursday so hmmm im not sure well i'll blog u later on tonight love yahs xoxoxoxo

oh i have a very strong feeling that your right about this being the next boobie kong hehehehe cya

#149. Skmiller, great blog, girl,we all feel the same about the guys!I hate repeating myself but DAMN! John, you are FINE!!!!!

Hey there John, hope you are having a good day!

  • WOO HOO!!!!!!! Hey John! Gosh, I kept seeing this picture on the little slide show thing on the home page, but it was never in the moblog until now! Anyway, buying the Anaheim tickets in 44 minutes!!!!!!!!! I could not sit still ALL DAY today! All of my friends were like, "What the hell is up with her?" It was funny because one of my friends asked me what was up with me because I was so..... out of it and one of my other friends was like, "Duh... she's buying the tickets today......" It was hilarious! Oooo 43 minutes!!!! Ok, I'm going to go before I annoy the hell out of myself! Hi to all you ladies out there. Kisses and hugs to all of you!!!

  • stop being so hott.

  • was wondering when this picture was gonna pop up on here....Hello to 2394, BlueDust, missy, gooangela, jinfr, indymom, wsunicols06, goorirl1, and any I might have missed...Love to all, hope you all have a great day!!!

  • only4her-
    I'm glad you had a good trip.
    I missed your postings!!!
    What ya looking at John?
    Hope you're enjoying the UK
    Can't wait to see you guys in Seattle!!!!

  • My bad, John, I forgot to say Prosze!

  • Hey Johnny-tell Robby to read his email!

  • Johnny's my boyfriend!!!!!!

  • Hey Only4her!!! Glad you had a good trip and glad you are back. See ya! indymom

  • What I'd give to hold on real tight to those arms - LOVE EM'!!!! Lookin' so GOOd Johnny!!

  • I agree jinfr - Comment#10
    only4her- Welcome back!
    Missed my daily goo-dialog fix!

  • I'm glad you had a safe trip - things were getting a bit boring around here... all that drool and no ass whippings or poundings.

  • Thanks! I flew down to New Orleans to see my family. Funny how I can't even get phone reception where they live about an hours outside of the town.

  • welcom back only4her... you've been missed!

  • John : Come and look what that only4her character wrote about our album on amazon.
    Robby : What does it say?
    John : This is an amazing album. These guys are extremely talented. Especially Robby and Mike. Listen is a killer song.
    Robby : Sounds about right.
    John : But then he goes on and says something else.
    Robby : What's that?
    John : The best part is that they burried John's guitar in the mix.
    Robby : He was supposed to keep that to himself!
    John : That does it! I'm gonna pound that guy!

  • Morning John. I envy you, being in Europe. Enjoy it! Be safe! Barbie

  • I didn't write that! I swear!
    That name and IP address is NOT mine! It's...it's someone else! Yeah! Lets go with that!

  • What is that black thing?

  • Hey John!!! How ya doin'?

  • Gorgeous at any angle!!!!!!!

  • John...don't sit so close...you may need glasses (like I need now because I'm old and I read and look at the computer screen too much!) Later, gators!

  • You look like you are concentrating way to hard on that computer screen!! Hope you're having fun in the UK and we are missing you bunches back here!! See you in Dec. in
    Boston. Lots of love

  • Yeah I'm first the comment...Hey cutie whatcha reading? Can't wait to see you and the gang in Dec...Love ya! gg1