Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

That's too funny 2394 blogging at the same time... It's fall here too in sunny California...It's not as hot anymore, and the humidity is finally gone...THANK GOD!!! Four more months before I get my tattoo..I'm so excited, and scared at the same time..I wish I had money to fly to Canada, so you could take me to the place where you got yours....Anyway I have to get back to my cleanining and doing my homework... I will blog you later...Oh, just want to let you know the reason why I blog so late(during the week) is , because I go to the gym after work....I just don't want you to feel I'm ignoring you...Lots of Hugs....BlueDust

That is such an ugly monkey...Don't you agree girls...

I understand 2394 seeing the sky cloudy all the time can be a bit depressing... Unfortunatly it's not always cloudy here where I live.. I well come a good rain storm only when I can be home to enjoy it, cuz if I am at work you know all of the kids are going to be inside the whole freakin day.... I will blog you in a little while...

I agree he is very ugly. I think we should name him.

Has it been a little while yet!!!Heheheh Okay that wasn't funny...I'm such a dork...See ya 2394

Hey, shottzie how are you doing? We should name it? How about "buttugly"?

Wow ladies, I went to bed last night and there were 142 comments and now there's 156!!!!!!! I'm oh so happy! Anyway, sounds like you ladies have been off to a great morning so far.
So shottzie you're from the Seattle area? Now I know two people that live around the Seattle area! That's so awesome that you're going to the Seattle show. You're way lucky! I've never been to a GGD show, but I might get to go to the Anaheim show on December 30. It's only a "might" because the guys don't have the date confirmed yet.
2394 you're lucky that you're getting some good weather up there. It's soooooooooo flippin' cold here! It only got to 49 degrees yesterday and that was the high! During the night it was about 38 degrees. Now that it's 1:30 in the afternoon, the sun is shining, but it's only 57 degrees or so. Anyway, yeah it's pretty cold!
Annabanana you're hungover? You're only 16 though........ are the drinking laws different in Austrailia?
Alright ladies, I'm out for a while so that I can clean my room. Which GGD CD should I listen to while I clean my room???? I think I'll go with Superstar Car Wash or Let Love In........ talk to all of you ladies later!
(Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure that I'm comment #157 so we're making excellent progress!!!!!)

Oh yeah about the monkey name........ I don't know what we should name it, but we definitely should! For some reason, when I look at the monkey, I think of it as being the transvestite monkey that lives in LA. Anybody got any good names????? Buttugly is good BlueDust, but does anybody else have any other ideas? (Isn't it funny what we think of to talk about just trying to get to 200 comments?)

Oh yeah, something else I just remembered! Annabanana I read that article that Michael Christopher wrote and it made me oh so happy! I'm so glad that he realized that what he was saying was wrong. It's sad that he had to talk to John before he changed his mind and what's even more sad is that John had to go to him. Oh well, at least he wrote that article. It's so cool how John stood up for us, too! That's what made me the happiest! We stand up for them and defend them in anything and now John's defending us and protecting us. I LOVE IT!

Should we name the monkey? Hmmmm.....lets see.....what shall we name him.....anybody? I've got nothing!!! Hi shottzie welcome to the board hope you stick around and blog with us. A big shoutout to all the blog family....sorry just too many of us now to name one by one!!! Maybe we'll just call the monkey BOOBIE!!! Hahaahhahhahhah...ok sorry....gotta go...take care everyone!!!

WOO HOO i WAS 160........now of course 161!!! HEE

Alfonzo is my suggestion for a name. Take it or leave it. The monkey seems like it should be the star of some horror picture. Enjoy!

Well, Alfonzo,Boobie, and Buttugly..Great names for the monkey any more suggestion..2394, googirl1,wsunicloe06, maryann777 ,and the rest of you girls... Do have a name for the monkey???


BlueDust, I wish you could come here too, that would be awesome! gooangela, I think today it was close 80 degrees. We also had a nice Southerly breeze. It is going to rain again tomorrow, ahhh, I need to go somewhere sunny and warm! I think Lorenzo is a good name for boobie head monkey! Or Boobie Head! I need to read that Micheal Christopher article, is it in the Forum? I read the first one he wrote, the Jerk. Love to everyone, as girlintx wrote, too many to name! xoxoxoxo

nooooooo It can't be Lorenzo...That's my older brother's name..Boobie head is much better..although naming a monkey after my brother is quit funny..Heheheh

hey 2394 is Lorenzo your favorite boy name?

I never called my brother by is full name...I call him Larry or Renzo.... Hey I goy a name for the monkey...
How about "RENZO" the monkey

typo "not goy,but got"

Wow, all of you are coming up with great names, but I still don't have anything wild and creative. I agree with BlueDust, the name can't be Lorenzo because my older brother's name is Lorenzo as well. Yes BlueDust, he's the one taking me to the Anaheim concert so you'll be able to meet him. Maybe we have the same brother..... just kidding! Anyway, we're at 167 ladies so we're doing good! KEEP IT UP!!!!!!
2394, the article is in the forum. I'll give you the link so you don't have to search forever...........


There ya have it. It's an awesome article.
Alright ladies I have to be going. I'm trying to get my homework done so that I can go to my brother's for dinner tonight. I love all of you and try not to have too much fun without me!

BlueDust I meant to put Alfonzo, SORRY!! I am laughing my ass off here!! I think Boobie Head is a good one!

Man, by the time I got done posting that last comment there were 170 comments! Anyway, yeah BlueDust I call my brother Larry, too. I've never called him Renzo, but Larry or CJ is what we call him.

gooangela, thanks but it won't direct me to the article. Tell me where to look ie: general discussion etc. Love ya!

BlueDust and gooangela, I realized that I got my gutterflower on the same day the GGD's did their last concert for the summer tour! I think that is cool!!

That't cool..Okay I'm a little confused...This tour or the Gutterflower tour...I wonder which one of us will be blogger 200...

BlueDust, Sept 9, 2006, I got my tattoo done!

Okay I thought you were talking about buying their CD..Sorry for the Brain fart...

BlueDust we are making it to 200 with our past few blogs, no worries on the brainfart babe!! This finally posted some acurate times that we posted! It is 7:27 p.m. here

The time they post is very confusing, cuz that's not what my clock reads... What's up with that??

BlueDust, who knows? This has it's own time zone! hahaha

  • BlueDust I hope you enjoy your date! I emailed gooangela through the forum but she hasn't responded. It's not like her to be gone this long. I really hope she's ok, maybe she just got busy w/school and she'll be here tomorrow. Have any of you MySpace people heard from her? Well, anyways hi shottzie! Yeah we've come a LONG way since 300. How've you been?

  • OMG, you all have been busy. I left at around 300 comments and look where you are now!!!!

  • Hey I'm getting ready for my date, now...I just wanted to say Hello to you all...2394-As for you being boring, your Not...Get some rest and I will blog you tomorrow....Thank you for the cost of homes...The price really is getting my noodle rolling...Missy I'm really getting worried about gooangela...I pray she is alright...I'll see you girls later...Hugs BlueDust

  • Happy Friday ladies! BlueDust I was wondering the same thing. I haven't heard from gooangela since the day of 1000. GOOANGELA!!! Where are you? 2394, I hope you get some good rest, and I'll catch ya later.

  • BlueDust, it depends on what you want. Some are going for $70,000 to $200,000 and up. The lowest not being the greatest. Why not rent? I am not sure if I will be on later as I am very tired and may go to bed early. Yes I know I am boring, expecially on a Friday night. I might go up to my friends place for a bit. Love to you all, have a Goo'd night!

  • Hey girls we have to send out a search party for gooangela....She's been missing from this moblog far toooo long.....Gooangela where are youuuuuuuu??????????

  • Hey gooangela where are you?????? Your starting to worry me....

  • Thank God it's Friday...Good morning to all ya girls...Have a great day and night....I'm going out tonight, so I will blog you girls when I get back (if I get back on time)...Hugs BlueDust

  • Hey BlueDust! I don't know if you're still on or if anybody's on for that matter but OMG! I'm watching SIx Degrees right now and they played "Better Days" at this incredibly sad but perfect place in the show and it gave me the chills. Anyways that wasn't what I set out to say, CONGRATS ONLY4HER!!!!!! How are all of you ladies, you're all probably asleep but oh well. (: If you are asleep then I hope your sleep is going well, but if you're reading this you're awake so that last statement made no sense. Wow I'm tired or maybe it's the caffine I had today. Much love to you all!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Oh, my god 0nly4her congrats on getting your question answered!!!Whoo Hoo

  • Hey where are you? It's to quite here....

  • Sorry I added "there" over look that word please...Brain fart...hehehe

  • Hey girls I decided to give the gym a break today...Thanks Missy for volunteering as a head pounder..lol....2394 I don't know if I would survive a winter out there...How expensive are homes going out there where you live?

  • MISSY, CONGRATS!! I just listened to the Q & A and heard yours answered! Too cool! Some pretty good questions were asked this time... Laughed for a while about John having to piss himself! And anyone catch him flippin' the bird? I think I'll go back and listen to all of them again. See if I missed something..

  • BlueDust, I don't think we have too much drama here. If you moved to Canada, you would have me to vent with and I am understanding. If you have never experienced Winter you may not like it here. I would love for you to move here! I would have someone who understands the LOVE of GOO as much as me!

  • Missy congrats on getting your question answered. That is so cool!

  • congrats to Missy and only4her who had questions answered by the Goos!!!! yay!!

  • Hi BlueDust I'm sorry about work. Well NorCal isn't bad but don't move to the Valley because it's too far from EVERYTHING! Plus you'd get stuck in small towns like mine where there isn't all that much diversity and nothing to do. But hey it could always be worse, right? I mean you could be unemployed, homeless, and worst of all GOOLESS!!!!!! Ya know since John probably is too busy to go pound some heads for you I'll volunteer! Once they meet me in full battle mode with my game face on they'll back off and let you be the first wheel real quick. (: But have you tried talking to the people about how you're feeling, maybe they don't know and think youu're fine. You should try and sit down with at least one of the people and tell them. I hope the rest of your day goes better. Talk to you later!

  • Well I have to go back to work for the third time... See you girls...

  • Indymom- How are you doing? I haven't heard from you in a while...Is everything going smoothly with your dad??? Thinking of you..BlueDust

  • 2394- why does there have to be some much f*$ken drama in So. California???? Is there this much drama where you live???? If not, I'm thinking so strongly in moving out in your direction...I'm so bloody tired of being treated like a third wheel at work, and there is nothing I can do about it...I don't know what to do??? I wish John can pound some heads in,,, at my work...That would really make me feel a hell of a lot better.....

  • That's way too cool Missy...I'm so excited that John answered your question???Whoo Hoo..blog you girls after the gym? Luv ya BlueDust

  • Thanks girlintx! I tried to check the videos at like 12 last night but they weren't working but I tried right now and John said my name! lol. That kinda sounds pathetic, but still it's a good feeling. Well I gotta finish gettin ready for school! Love to you ladies!

  • YAY...MISSY THE GOOS PICKED YOUR QUESTION FOR THE Q&AS......very cool!!!! Way to go girl!!! WOO HOO!!! You are the only Missy...right...cause it would have to be like MIssy1 if there was another Missy...right.....ok I'm just rambling!!! Take care everyone!!!

  • Good night Missy, I should get some homework done too...Have a good night in goo land..Se ya tomorrow Hugs BlueDust

  • I love it here too. It's weird thinking we'd never meet. Ok NOW I have to go just wanted to reply to your last comment. Luv yah lots and have some nice Goo filled dreams!

  • OMG! I wish you could see my friend Johana dance she's got this weird thing called the Johana, it's like the Egyptian style with both hands and feet it's great. I just refuse to dance. SIgh... I should go I still have homework and my dad just called. SO I'll talk to you later! Good night BlueDust!!!!!!!!

  • Yeah I remember when I freaked out...It scared me, cuz I thought only adults could access this site, but it's all cool....I'm glad we could talk here too...If it wasn't for the GGD having this site for us....We would have never meet...I finally have friends that have the same interests as me...Too cool...I love it here....

  • You should see me dance...I like dancing on the balls of my feet...It's a sight to see...I can dance a little, but you should see my friend Amy..She puts the iceing on the cake...She dances like a duck...Hahahah!!! I love it, she knows how to make me laugh....

  • Hey did you read that jmt928 and girlintx didn't know I was 15? Remember back when you freaked out when me and gooangela told you our ages? I actually saved that conversation and pic on my flash drive. I'm SOOOOOOO glad you got over that. I mean I love our converstaions, we can all say just about anything to each other.